Tan Xuguang: Weichai Engine Needs to Be Installed in Ferretti Superyachts, so that Chinese Engine Can Really Move towards the High-end


On September 11, 2023, Tan Xuguang visited the factory of Ferretti superyacht manufacturing base in Ancona, the capital of Marche region, Italy, and learned about the production of CRN and CUSTOM LINE yachts in recent years in detail.

With the full support of Weichai Group, Ferretti once again successfully landed in the European capital market on June 27 this year, and got listed at two international financial centers of "Hong Kong + Milan". The business operation continues to improve, the current yacht orders are full, and 6 shipyards have achieved full capacity production.

Tan Xuguang said that since the strategic restructuring, Ferretti has faced the global high-end market, strengthened research and development investment, improved operational efficiency, promoted digital transformation, and continued to adjust the global market layout. Its seven major yacht brands have strongly led the development of the luxury yacht industry, becoming the pearls in the crown of the global yacht industry.