  • Voyage-escort System 4012

Package Specifications

  • 18L、200L

Performance Features

  • Applicable to medium and high speed marine diesel engines and generator-sets using diesel with sulfur content below 1%, blended diesel and DMC fuel. It adopts a special formula making it a special oil for medium and high speed multifunctional all-purpose marine diesel engines, and it can be adapted to different climate characteristics of the four seasons; it has special anti-wear and cleaning abilities which can improve the service life of the engine and the internal cleaning of the engine and reduce the frequency of engine maintenance; High base value can prevent corrosive wear of engine caused by the use of high-sulfur fuel, better compatibilize engine performance,and reduce the formation of "black paint film" and oil sludge.

Range of Application

  • Mainly applicable to main engines and auxiliary engines of medium and high speed ships and boats, passenger ships, fishing ships,official boats, transportation ships,engineering ships and bulk carriers.